On Page SEO


The factors which are controlled by a developer and the coding of their page. Following are the factors of On Page SEO:-

Using Keywords

Keywords are very important in a search process. They are the main blocks of language or search. All the things which are related to a keyword planning are the basic needs of a Search engine. When a search engine crawl websites it also crawls the keywords given in a website for the search allowance.

Following are the points which make a keyword optimized:-

Range of a keyword:- Don’t make a keyword “SPAM”. Most of the websites contains keywords which repeat themselves again and again, this is known as keyword stuffing and is concerned as spamming. Use less repeated keywords in the meta tag for the accuracy, repeated keywords are not good for a positive SEO.

Weight of a keyword:- The number of keywords appearing on your web page compared to the total number of words appearing on that same page is known as weight of a keyword. To make it easy create some smaller pages, generally just a paragraph long that emphasizes a particular keyword. By keeping the words minimum in just a paragraph for a particular keyword, you can increase the weight of the keyword you are describing.

Places to put Keywords

Following are the places where you can place keywords:-

Title tags <title> </title>

Meta name description <meta name =”description”>

Meta name keyword <meta name=”keyword”>

Headline tag <h1>

href tag <a href=”http://yourcompany.com”>keywords</a>

In the body

In alt tags

In comment tags <!– insert comments here>

In URL or Website address

Meta Tags

A term meta tag is used to define data I terms of metadata. These tags are used to store information about web pages and are displayed on browser. The meta tag <meta> always goes inside head element <head>.

Following are the important types of meta tags:-

Meta Description Tags.

Meta Keyword Tags.

Ex:- <meta name=”keywords” content=”Keyword1 Keyword2 Keyphrase1 etc. Some unique words (not more than 40 words)”>

<meta name=”description” content=”An accurate, keyword-rich description Not more than 150 characters”>

Things to remember:-

Use a different meta description tag for each page, if you place a good title and description on it there stands a better chance of being found for a page, as each page is different.

Use keywords in your meta description tag.

Try not to repeat the words again and again, but try to use multiple syntaxes of your key words.

Use less than 150 characters in a meta tag description of a single web page.

Use synonyms for your main keywords.

Use unique keywords.

Do not repeat any given phrase.

Use robots meta tag if you don’t want any of your page indexed or link followed which looks like:- <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow”>

Title Tag

It is an HTML tag which appears in <head> tag of a web page which contains the page title. Title tag is the name of the page that appears on the top of the browser. A HTML title tag is put inside the head tag. This is the one page on a webpage where your keywords must be preset.

Things to remember:-

Use Unique titles.

Begin the title of your home page with your Primary Keyword Phrase, followed by your best Secondary Keyword Phrases.

If you are including your company’s name, add it at the end of the title.

Do not repeat your keyword more than 2-4 times in a title.

Make sure the <title> tag is the first element in the <head> section of your page, this makes it easier for Google to find the page.

Anchor Tag

Anchor text is the visible character and word that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web. It is used for navigation purpose. It can be used as an information about a given link.

Ex :- <a href=”page.html” title=”Anchor Title”>Anchor Text</a>

Things to remember:-

The Anchor Title plays a very important role and is seen by most of the search engines. The anchor title should have appropriate keywords.

The Anchor Text is another important part, which should be selected very carefully because this text is used not only for search engines but also for navigation purpose.

The otherpage.html is the link to another webpage. This link could be to an external site. Here, you need to ensure that the linked page does exist; otherwise it is called a broken link, which gives a bad impression to search engines as well as to site visitors.

Anchor Text can be replaced by an image. So, while using an image in place of an anchor text, it should be checked that you have put alt tag properly. An image alt tag should have appropriate keywords.

Ex :- <a href=”page.html” title=”Anchor Title”> <img src=”image.gif” alt=”keywords” /> </a>


Content plays an important role in SEO. It includes what you see on the site. It contains text, images and even links to other websites. A website must have rich content which

Places To

is easier to understand for readers. It shows popularity of a website by giving superior quality of information related to your website. Always give a fresh quality of content to the viewers with no duplication of information.

Seo Content

Content plays an important role in SEO. It includes what you see on the site. It contains text, images and even links to other websites. A website must have rich content which is easier to understand for readers. It shows popularity of a website by giving superior quality of information related to your website. Always give a fresh quality of content to the viewers with no duplication of information.

Content Writing (Copywriting)

It involves all the keywords and informatory phrases which makes good content for a website. The content should be directed for the specified target audience. Density of a Keyword must be strictly used as per search engine guidelines. Do not use confusing, ambiguous, and complex language. Use small statements to make your content more understandable. Keep your web pages short and divide your web page content also into short paragraphs. Always write your content after a serious thought. Keep your title, keywords, link text, metatags up-to-date, unique, and interesting.

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